INDIGO DE SOUZA – about the song

Foto-© Charlie Boss

Indigo De Souza hat die Kreativität ihrer Eltern (ihr Vater ist Bossa-Nova-Gitarrist, ihre Mutter bildende Künstlerin) schon in die Wiege gelegt bekommen, bekam dann im Alter von 9 Jahre von ihrer Mutter eine Gitarre um ihre Schüchternheit abzulegen und fing mit 11 Jahren an Songs zu schreiben. Mit 16 zog sie dann nach Asheville – und traf dort auf Brad Cook (Bon Iver, Waxahatchee,…), der nun zusammen mit ihr das Zweitwerk Any Shape You Take (VÖ: 27.08. via Saddle Creek) produzierte. Darauf erkundet Indigo De Souza das menschliche Verhältnis zur Veränderung, die starren Kräfte, die sie verhindern, und schließlich die Freiheit, die damit einhergeht – zu eingängigen Indie-Pop-Tunes! Als perfektes Beispiel dient dafür die aktuelle Single Hold U – für die Indigo uns alles wissenswerte darüber für unsere about the song-Reihe aufgeschrieben hat!

I wrote Hold U when I was breaking into a new space of self-love that I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I was manifesting really beautiful connections with people because of the lightness I was feeling in my body. I was also just feeling grateful for the relationship I was in and how much it gave me the freedom to find self love. I wanted to write about a really simple kind of love that isn’t necessarily romantic, but that is just about holding space for other people to fully express themselves and to feel celebrated. Just simply seeing someone in their humanity and loving them. We are constantly evolving and we only truly have space to process our lives openly if we feel safe and are encouraged to love ourselves and celebrate our bodies. I am really blessed with the sense of community that I have in my life, and I wanted to highlight that in the music video. Community is the purest kind of magic and can heal so much trauma and pain. We all just want to feel truly held by the people around us! I remember dancing and smiling lots when we recorded Hold U, and it’s so special to play it live too. It really just carries such an easy feeling of love, and it means everything to have some way to share that with people. 

YouTube video


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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