WILL JOSEPH COOK – für einen TikTok-Fan

Foto-© Fernando Cattori

Guten Freunden gibt man der deutschen Fernseh-Werbung zufolge auch mal ein Küsschen – und guten TikTok-Freunden? Denen schenkt Will Joseph Cook heute mit dem nächsten Vorboten Bop seines am 10. Juni erscheinenden Albums Every Single Thing eine süß-charmante Indie-Pop-Sommerparty-Single! Oder wie Will selbst erzählt: “I actually started this as a super short track I wrote for a fan on TikTok. I had people comment their name for a song and this one happened to be for someone called Ariel, which gave me the opening few lines. They were stuck in my head for weeks so I had to finish the song. BOP emerged as this flirty track full of bravado and nervous energy. There’s also a lot of lines expressing how baffling and awkward the idea of true love was when I was younger. It was interesting writing a song from the perspective of a teenage me talking to a girl at a house party.“

Anfang 2021 begannen die Arbeiten am dritten Album des Indie-Pop-Träumers gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Eric Radloff (Okudaxij) und dem US-Songwriter und Produzenten Matt Parad – Will erinnert sich: “At first we were working remotely on a painfully slow countryside internet connection…We sent each other stems and ideas and the first few tunes came together like that. Then it was just a case of finding a way to meet somewhere.” Dieses Somewhere war dann letztlich in einem Airbnb in Mexiko: “I got an Airbnb for two weeks in Mexico and we did all the pre-production there. In our suitcases, we had a mini-studio that we set up in an apartment block. We whittled it down to 10 tracks and went on from there to LA. Basically, you had to be in Mexico for two weeks and then you were allowed to enter the US. It was pretty wild,” erzählt er weiter. “But then I ended up being in the US for quite a while. I was away for two months and the album was finished and mixed. It felt old school. I went to a place, recorded and left with a new record. I think those limitations and those pressures were good.”

Inspiriert von Indie-Pop Acts wie Phoenix, Vampire Weekend oder Darwin Deez arbeitet der gerade mal 24-jährige seitdem er 14 Jahre alt ist an seinem Sound. Zusammen mit Declan McKenna ist er ab nächster Woche auch in Deutschland live zu sehen!

Will Joseph Cook Tour (Support für Declan McKenna):
24.05.22 Hamburg, Mojo
25.05.22 Köln, Luxor
27.05.22 Berlin, Columbia Theater

YouTube video


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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