TWIN SHADOW – Interview

Hm irgendwie kitschig und cheesy – aber trotzdem oder gerade deswegen mitreißend, toll, frenetisch zu befeiern: Twin Shadows Debütalbum „Forget“ schoss Ende 2010 aus dem Nichts in unsere Herzen, schaffte noch flott den Sprung auf Platz 7 in unserer Jahrescharts (wie noch nicht gesehen – hier gibt es unsere Top 30) und läuft eigentlich immer noch hoch und runter bei uns. Im Februar kommt George Lewis Jr., der hinter dem Projekt steht, nach Deutschland für einige ausgewählte Termine auf Tour – doch so lange konnten wir nicht warten! Wir haben uns via Mail mit dem Wahl-Brooklyner zum Interview getroffen und ihm einige Fragen zur CD, zum Projekt und überhaupt zu seiner Musik und seiner Person gestellt. Heute und jetzt gibt es seine Antworten im Bedroomdisco-Interview!

1.) Band facts:
– Name: Twin Shadow
– Bandmembers: George Lewis Jr.
– Residence: Brooklyn
– Current album: Forget

2.) Questionnaire:
– How did you start making music – had you been forced to play an instrument somehow or was it in your own interest?
A family friend was a pop musicioan in the 80s, he gave me a microphone and a delay pedal when i was 11… i was never forced to play music

– Do you remember the first song you’ve ever written? What was it about, do you remember a line of it?
I use to pretend i wrote songs and then make them up on the spot and lie and say I had written them… i can’t remember the first time i actually wrote one down

– You describe your musical style with „B-Movie-Pop“ – how did you came up with this, what are the criteria for it?
no criteria, I just thought it was fitting for where i was at, that will change soon.

– In which situation did you come up with the name „Twin Shadow“, what meaning has it for you, why did you choose it in the end?
No situation… it has to do with motorcycles

– We read somewhere that you in your childhood didn’t have the chance to get in touch with a wide variety of music as you were living on a little island. When did you get in touch with more music and with which bands/artists at first?
My friends introduced me to sex pistols, dismemberment plan, morphine, police, dead kennedys, buzzcocks, king crimson when I started going to highschool and after i left highschool

– Your music is often compared to 80’s new wave music, what do you think about this, what do you like about 80’s new wave music? Which artists/bands influenced you?
I’m not in love with new wave, im in love with pop music, and some new wave artist make me feel a buzz… Joseph K, Orange Juice

– How do you normally work on songs? What are the steps/processes, what are the usual problems of finishing a song?
I work fast, as fast as I can, I am addicted to finishing. The problem is more when to leave it alone

– How did you meet Grizzly Bear’s Chris Taylor?
through his sister

– Which influence did he have as a producer on the record?
the ideas of placement in a mix

– How was the production process of „Forget“, how long did it take, where did it happen?
it was short cold fast and took place in my room, in some hotels, and wraped up with chris in his studio and a studio in manhattan

– „Castles In The Snow“ is one of our favorite songs – can you tell us what it is about, how it was done and if there is a story behind it?
I met someone amazing, I thought something amazing was about to happen, and it just disappeared as soon as it started. The song is a fantasy of what could have been i suppose.

– You did produce the record alone – what were the reasons for staying alone, instead of searching for more band members?
I was tired of being in bands, I like playing all the instruments myself, I needed that closness to these songs this time around.

– You’re listed on a lot of „best of 2010“-lists – for which new artist or band would you vote this year/which new artist or band did you like this year? TAME IMPALA

– How important is success for you, how would you measure success for yourself?
very, I measure it with all the tape measures in home depot

– What are you doing if your not making music?

making music

What are your next plans?
make some music

Which song would fit to your actual situation?
well I’m stuck at an airport right now, so……… stuck in the middle with you…

Which song makes you dance independent of your situation?
situation? I am unclear really on what my situation is?

How would your „Bedroomdisco“ look like?
jello, ceiling to floor, jello

Who did fill out this questionnaire?
the most sincere version of myself


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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