Fünf Jahre ist es her, dass wir zuletzt mit dem Band-Kollektiv Alcoholic Faith Mission aus Kopenhagen für ein Interview sprachen. Fünf Jahre, in denen die Band alles andere als untätig war – was auch gleich die aktuelle Situation der fünf beschreibt, die mit ihrem neuen Album ‚Orbitor‚ im Gepäck dieser Tage auf großer Deutschland-Tour sind! Grund genug für ein Interview-Update:
Band facts
– Name: Alcoholic Faith Mission
– Band members: Sune Sølund (bass), Thorben Seierø (vocal + guitar), Anders Hjort Straarup (keys), Magnus Hylander Friis (drums) & Kristine Permild (vocal + keys)
– Founding year: 2006
– Residence: currently Copenhagen
– Current album: Orbitor (released Feb. 20 2015)
It’s been about 5 year’s since we last talked – so first of all: What happened in the time in between and how have you been?
We’ve been absolutely splendid, thank you. We’ve gotten to travel a lot the past years including most of the states, of course a lot of touring in Europe and a single trip to South America. Furthermore we’ve been so extremely privileged to be able to take the time we needed to finish off our newest album; Orbitor.
When you signed to Haldern Pop Recordings everyone was expecting you to release a new record soon, but then you released ‚We Stop the World from Falling Apart‘ about one year ago, as kind of a best-of record – why did you decide for this release strategy, what did you change in the songs and why did you decide to change them in the first place?
We felt like we had released four albums that all represented a unique sound and very different phases of our time as a band. And our ability to write and produce music has changed a lot from the first album, Misery Loves Company, ‘til the fourth album, Ask Me This. So we thought it would be a great challenge and an interesting project to try and unify and connect some of our favorite songs from the previous albums. At this point we weren’t quite sure what we wanted a new album to sound like, so making the record We Stop The World From Falling Apart was a good way to explore strengths and weaknesses in our sound in order to figure out what to do for a new album.
During this process we teamed up with our good friend Brian Batz from Sleep Party People and he helped us finding a homonymous sound. When we started making new songs for the record Orbitor, we knew that we wanted Batz to be a part as this process as well.
Now the new record ‚Orbitor‘ is released – can you tell us a bit about the production process, what was the best and the worst moments during the process and what’s your favorite story from the making?
We rented a small studio in Copenhagen that allowed us to record in our own pace and whenever during the day. This provided a nice calmness to the process and also the possibility to have some extremely long sessions that would also include nice cocktails. During the making of Orbitor Thorben has developed some bloody good Martini-skills.
Usually the songs are made from one idea, often presented by Sune or Thorben, and from there anyone can contribute with ideas and sounds.
‚Orbitor‘ does sound a lot different, to how we got to know your sound – how did this change into spherical synth pop happen or was it a conceptional decision before the production to try something new?
We all agreed that we wanted to try out a new sound for the new album. And in the beginning of the process we experimented with a lot of new sounds and approaches. It was kind of a frustrating part of the process because we were really searching for new inspiration. It took some time, more time than usual, but I guess that when we got started with the spherical synth pop we felt like we found a path that we wanted to pursue.
When you worked on ‚421 Wythe Avenue‘ it was said that the surrounding during the production had a lot of influence to the sound of the record – was it the same this time? How did the surrounding influence the record?
We have used creative dogmas as an inspirational driving force on some of the previous records. We didn’t work with that kind of straightjackets this time, but I guess it still influences our way of thinking music. Nothing is sacred or too weird when we record. We’ve recorded a bucket full of tools, popping champagne and screaming and crying.
At the same time we’re influenced by all our travelling. Part of Orbitor was recorded in LA while the rest was recorded in Copenhagen. Copenhagen offers a very melancholic feeling, especially during winther, and I suspect that this will always influence our sound even though we’ve decided to try out spherical synth pop 🙂
What does the name ‚Orbitor‘ mean?
This is very much a matter of interpretation. To me Orbitor is the feeling of drifting around among other bits and pieces without ever touching. I sometimes get that feeling when I’m working my day job. It’s not that I don’t like being there, but I can drift around a whole day without really relating to the surroundings. Being on tour is so much different. You’re so dependent on each other and there is no way you can avoid colliding when you sit in a bus 8 hours a day. It is a very intense way of travelling and it makes me feel happy and alive.
‚Dream In Silence‘ is one of our favorite songs from the record – can you tell us what it is about, how it was done and if there is a story behind it?
Dream in Silence was actually one of the songs that didn’t make the initial cut. In very beginning it was just an idea with no real direction and for some reason it was a difficult song hatch. We’re really glad it did though, as it has become one of our favorites as well. The songs is about wanting to find solace amidst the chaos that (sometimes) is the world we live in. (I.e war, famine, corruption, fossil fuels, anti-vaxxer’s, social equality etc.) And one way to do that is to just let it all burn to the ground and start again. Like a reboot of your computer.
What are you doing when you’re not making music?
Everybody in the band has regular day jobs. But as a band we like to go out for drinks and then some of us share a passion for running. So during a tour you will most likely see AFM running around the hotel in the morning in very tight running pants.
What did you learn in 2014?
Personally I learned that even though life takes an unexpected turn that you weren’t prepared for happiness is mostly a choice. And I am not willing to settle with anything less than that. I feel wiser and stronger because of 2014. Thank you 2014!
Your 3 top albums of 2015 up to now? Why?
I am in love with the new Father John Misty album. I love the lyrics, so honest and edgy. I can relate to his words and I kind feel I know his wife from listening to the album. I like her too.
Natalie Prass has also been a favourite. I love her voice and melodies. Seems I’ve been having quite a melancholic beginning of 2015. But I’ve also been hip hop dancing my way through the songs of the french twins in Ibeyi.
Which song would fit to your actual situation?
Since we’re leaving on tour tomorrow: Willie Nelson with On the Road Again.
Which song makes you dance independent of your situation?
I’m very fond of dancing with myself so it doesn’t take anything specific. But who can resist Seasons (Waiting on You)?
How would your „Bedroomdisco“ look like?
I would rather have a bar. With a well-stocked drinks cabinet and a skilled bartender (who isn’t Thorben, no offense!).
Passend zur Tour und dem Release von ‚Orbitor‘ verlosen wir zwei CDs und eine Vinyl des neuen Alcoholic Faith Mission Albums! Ihr wollt gewinnen, dann schreibt uns bis zum 18.03.2015 eine Mail mit eurer Adresse und dem Betreff „AFM“ an gewinnen@bedroomdisco.de und mit etwas Glück habt ihr bald darauf schon gute Musik in eurem Briefkasten!