FATHERSON – about the song

Foto-© Steward Bryden

Die schottische Alternative-Rock-Band Fatherson hat zuletzt mit Dive die nächste Single aus ihrem ersten Album seit drei Jahren veröffentlicht. Das neue Album Normal Fears soll am 25. Februar erscheinen und eine neue musikalische Ausrichtung des Trios bereithalten: so kommt ihr Art-Rock-Gewand in 2022 mit groovigen, wie poppigen Electro-Einflüssen daher, schimmernde Synths treffen auf ein treibendes Schlagzeug, auf Sturm und Drang und ordentliche Emotionen. Für uns hat die Band alles Wissenswerte zur aktuellen Single für unsere about the song-Reihe zusammengeschrieben:

The November of 2019 I went to Nashville on a writing retreat. The first night I was at dinner with the other writers and was sat next to Steph Marziano. Unbeknownst to me Steph had worked on our second album ‘Open Book’ doing mix prep but we had never met each other. We wrote some songs together on the retreat and really got on. I told the boys when I got back from America and sent some songs over to them and suggested we do a session all together in Glasgow. At the end of January 2020 we set up in a studio for a couple of days to write some tunes. I wrote the chorus and chord structure of Dive the night before Steph arrived in the kitchen of my parents house. It was inspired by a relationship that had ended and that common feeling that both parties did all they could but it just didn’t work out. However for me it means much more than that. It’s about literally diving into something feet first, whether that’s a relationship, job, moving to a new city or anything else. You’ll never know if you can do it unless you give it your all. The session was a big success and four songs from those few days ended up on Normal Fears. Steph also came on board to produce most of the record because we loved working with her, which was new for us because we’d almost always worked with Bruce Rintoul who produced on Normal Fears to. 

Sometimes when there is a big change on the horizon that fear can hold you back, my advice is just to take a chance and dive in.

Fatherson Tour:
25.09.2022 Frankfurt, Nachtleben
26.09.2022 München, Kranhalle
02.10.2022 Köln, Artheater
04.10.2022 Berlin, Maschinenhaus
05.10.2022 Hamburg, Molotow

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Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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