Mixtaping by Strangers – Vol 1 – SIR WAS

Erinnert ihr euch noch an Kassetten? Dieses hoffnungslos romantische analoge Format, das es einem im Handumdrehen ermöglichte der Liebsten, Freunden oder auch Verwandten nicht nur eine Freude zu machen, sondern gleichzeitig auch noch eine musikalische Lehrstunde zu geben, inklusive Coolness-Statement! Was war das schön! Wir huldigen nach wie vor dieser Leidenschaft und stellen euch mit unserer Mixtaping by Strangers-Reihe nicht nur tolle neue Künstler vor, die über ihre Mixtape-Vergangenheit und -Vorlieben berichten, nein, wir lassen sie auch extra für euch eine kleine Liste zusammen stellen, auf dass ihr schwelgt in für euch neuer Musik, musikalische Einflüsse entdeckt und die Leidenschaft zur Mixtape machen, weiter geht! Repeat & Rewind inklusive! Den Anfang macht das neuste Cityslang-Signing, der Schwede sir Was

Mixtaping by Strangs – Vol 1 – sir Was

Have you ever done a mixtape before? If yes – when was the first time and for which person? If not – why not and for which person would you do one?
No, I have never done that. No one asked me. I guess I would do one for D`Angelo but he would never ask me. I think it would be more about making coffe and cleaning the studio, which I would gladly do because he is greater than great!

Which format would you prefer for your mixtape: Cassette, CD, digital playlist?
I would prefer it on a cassette because it sounds good but I would probably do it on a CD because its easier at least before they changed F-G Itunes a couple of years ago so now I can’t use that either so my answer is: If I would do it I would ask my friend Damien to help me do it digitally.

Insider tips that the listener won’t know or mainstream hits?
Insider tips? Not sure what you’re after. I like many mainstream hits of course. How could I not?

Sad/emotional or dance/party songs?
Sad and emotinal dance songs.

Listing songs one after the other or planning a tonal climax?
Is there a difference I guess I would kist them one after another to reach a tonal , mental and physical climax.

About the cover: self painted, a picture stolen from the internet or a simple set-list?
Probably just a list with the songs.

If you could choose an artist/band, who should do a mixtape for you – which one would it be and why?
I wonder what MR Aphex Twin would put together.


Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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