LOW ISLAND – cruelty and beauty

Foto-© Brian Rankin

Nachdem uns die Oxforder Band Low Island letztes Jahr mit ihrem Debüt If You Could Have It All Again und ihrem von der Indie-Hochphase und Bands wie Klaxons, LCD Soundsystem, Caribou, Foals und Radiohead geprägten Mix direkt abgeholt hat, kündigte das Quartett um Frontmann und Multi-Instrumentalist Carlos Posada zuletzt schon das Zweitwerk an! Am 4. November erscheint Life In Miniature und nach Can’t Forget gab es letzte Woche auch direkt den zweiten Vorboten Kid Gloves daraus – über den Song sagt die Band: “Kid Gloves is a love song to childhood and to ‘home’, whatever or wherever that may be. Like so much of the new record, it’s about life’s pushes and pulls: how leaving home can mark a new and exciting chapter in our lives, but necessarily involves leaving a part of our childhood behind; how falling in love can make us feel more distant from our friends, or how just generally we are so often confronted with situations that pull our emotions in opposing directions. I’m obsessed with this line in Future Islands’ ‘Seasons’ where Sam T Herring says ‘when people change, they gain a piece, but they lose one too.’ There is both such a cruelty and beauty in that, and Kid Gloves tries to capture that feeling and provide reassurance: home is there. you are still you. there’s still time. life is good”

Low Island Tour:
12.09.22 Leipzig, Naumanns
13.09.22 Berlin, Kantine am Berghain
14.09.22 Hamburg, Häkken
15.09.22 Köln, Jaki

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Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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