AN HORSE – Interview

An Horse ist eine australische Band, die aus Kate Cooper und Damon Cox besteht und auf ihrer Myspace-Seite auf „Klingt wie“ mit „True Love.“ antworten. Das alleine sollte ja schon als Anreiz reichen, da mal zu horchen, was es mit der Musik des Debütalbum „Rearrange Beds“ (in Deutschland gibt es leider bisher noch keinen Veröffentlichungstermin) auf sich hat – und ja…wir stimmen ihnen zu – da ist sie, die wahre Liebe! Genauso hört man aber auch ihr Motto „We live to get radical“ aus den Songs heraus. Grund genug Mal die kryptische australische Vorwahl heraus zu suchen und die mindestens zwanzigstellige Nummer in den Fernsprechautomaten einzuhämmern. Da wir nur die Zeitansage an den Hörer bekamen und kein Geld mehr für einen zweiten Anruf hatten – gibt es nun hier das äußerst sympathische Mail-Interview mit An Horse:

1.) Band facts
– Name: An Horse
– Band members + nicknames: Kate Cooper + Damon Cox = Demon Cobra + Captain Ahab.
– Founding year: 2007
– Residence: Brisbane sometimes, Melbourne sometimes, Montreal sometimes.
– Current album: Rearrange Beds

2.) Questionnaire:
– How did you become a band?
Damon and I worked in a record store in Brisbane for several years. We knew each other from around town before I got a job at the record store. Damon has been working there for a few years. It was so much fun working together! We became really good friends and one day decided to try playing music together. We would practice in the store after hours. It was great.

– How did you come up with your band name?
Oh a long time ago I was having a grammar discussion with friends. One of them insisted an horse was correct grammar. I disagreed. He made me a sweater with an horse written on it as a joke. One day I was recording some demos at home and was wearing the sweater. I just used the name because it was the first thing I saw. It kinda stuck.

– How would you describe your musical style? Honest.

– You both worked in a record store – did it influence your music taste and what kind of music influenced you?
I don’t think it influenced my taste but it definitely allowed us to open our minds! haha. The best taste in music is an eclectic taste. Working at the store was like being a kid in a candy store. We listened to everything.

– What are you as a band doing at the moment?
At the moment Damon is in Australia. I am in Montreal. We are busy planning, plotting, writing, eating, drinking coffee. I am going home next week. I plan to go the beach. I think Damon and I will hang out and plan and plot some more. We are heading out in January on a big tour with Tegan and Sara.

– Your first album is called „Rearrange Beds“ – how did it come to the title and does it have a meaning for the whole album?
It’s a lyric and song title. Actually, a friend of ours who does all our artwork emailed me one day. She wrote that she was rearranging her bed so she could think better when she slept. I emailed back and told her I had rearranged mine so now our brains were connected at night. I think we were writing a comic together at the time. It was kind of a joke we had about working 24 hours a day. Anyways the whole concept of rearranging your bed, room, life fits with most of the content on the record. A lot of the songs were about a weird time I was having and I rearranged a lot of things. It just worked. I hope.

– „Camp out“ is one of our favorite songs – can you tell how this song was produced, what it is about and if there is a story behind it?
You know I think I took the idea of camping out from another friends email. They were writing to me about a boy camping out in their heart. I liked that idea and I rolled with it. I wrote in my bedroom before going to the record store one day. I have a whole stack of acoustic demos that were the first incarnations of rearrange beds. They sounds so different. I gave those demos to Damon and we built the songs from that. I remember that song coming together really quickly. I don’t think I liked it so much and I didn’t want to do it but Damon insisted we try it. Ha. He knows best with these things.

– Can you describe the procedure of how you are writing songs?
Yes, it is rather boring. I play guitar by myself. Sometimes I don’t want to even look at a guitar. Sometimes it’s all I want to do. I don’t think about it that much. Songs kind of write themselves I think. Whenever I have tried to write a song, it has been terrible. So I just let them come when they come. Then I record them at home and give Damon a whole bunch of demos at a time. He sits with them for however long and then we get together and flesh them out.

– You were on tour with Tegan and Sara and you will be touring with them in 2010 – can you tell how this came off?
I met Tegan and Sara in the record store where Damon and I worked in Brisbane a long time before An Horse started. I became good friends and we stayed in touch. They were always so supporitve of me musically. I gave them a demo of an horse and they asked us to go on tour. They are my favourite people to tour with. We have a lot of fun and I get to watch their show each night.

– With which person would you like to work together and why?
Well it’s a tie between Larry David and Kylie Minogue. Larry David because he is Larry David and probably doesn’t play music. Kylie because well…she is amazing!

– 3 top albums 2009? Why?
Tegan and Sara – Sainthood. Why – because it’s brilliant!
Telekenisis – Telekenisis. Why – The songs are just so so so good. This band is amazing.
Manchester Orchestra – Everything to Nothing.

– What did you learn 2009?
Balance is very important in my life.

– Your best personal experience in 2009?
Playing Letterman was probably the coolest thing. Also being in the studio watching Tegan and Sara make Sainthood was pretty damn cool!

– Your plans for 2010?
A new record. Go to the beach. Eat chocolate.

– What is on your rider?
It is so unimpressive I won’t waste space by tell you.

– What do you associate with Bedroomdisco?
Broken space bar.

– Who did fill out this questionnaire?

Thanks Kate for having time for this interview! Now – listen to „Camp Out“!



Bedroomdisco-Gründer, Redaktions-Chef, Hans in allen Gassen, Golden Leaves Festival Booker, Sammler, Fanboy, Exil-Darmstädter Wahl-Hamburger & happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk - spreading love for great music since '08!

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