Gabriel Garzón-Montano © Jack McKain

Foto-Credit © Jack McKain

Ausnahmekünstler. Kreativer Kopf. Komischer Kautz. In der Vergangenheit wurde Gabriel Garzón-Montano nicht müde, genau dieses Image passgenau nach außen zu tragen. Seine 2017 erschiene LP Jardin dockt dort musikalisch genau an: In einer irren Rhythmik vereint der New Yorker R’n‘B und Hiphop mit Cumbia. Zuerst gewöhnungsbedürftig und dann doch ziemlich mitreißend. Ähnlich dürfte es den meisten nun mit seinem Anfang des Monats erschienen neuen Album Agüita gegangen sein. In diesem geht es um Leben, Tod, Kreativität…und seine kolumbianischen Wurzeln.

In your opinion, what is the biggest difference between your previous album Jardin and Agüita?
Jardin featured 2 characters and their blending together. You have the RnB and the more classical austere vibes. Agüita features 3 characters: the wistful impressionist, the debonair leading man, and the latinx hit maker…..each of which embody a different aspect of my totality. I came up with these characters to tell my story better.

There are also 3 distinct aesthetics or so called genres. This break from the traditional sonic / aesthetic coherence of an album is what I’m most excited about. I love defying expectation and the pursuit of something entirely new. 

Does the album Agüita have an overall topic?
Life. Water. Play. Free. The album celebrates individual multiplicity. We are layered and beautiful and complex. 

In an Interview with Pitchfork you said that Bloom is about life and death and human development. Would you say that that is some topic you think about a lot and different while you getting older?
I think about growth and the death of a way of being leading to the birth of another gentler more compassionate approach. I think about letting go of what I think is important. There’s a beautiful sadness in looking at my bookshelf and realizing that there are books I will never have time to read. Mortality is humbling and freeing. Reminds one of one’s essential needs. 


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Your song Agüita means water. What is that song all about?
Colombia. It’s a love letter to my country and our beautiful slang and to water in all its forms. It’s about don/t hate hydrate, drip sweat, wetness and rain and tears and the ocean and making it rain in the club all at once. It’s a celebration of vital energy.

You are an artist who manages to include many different genres and styles in your music and surprise your audience constantly. Is this something that comes naturally to you or do push yourself to try new things musically?
I push! A lot comes natural but there is always a point where one must push to find a thing of value otherwise unfound. I have many moments and dig many styles. We will see more characters and projects added. I love all kinds of music and my work is beginning to reflect that.

What did you listen to while writing this new music? Any favorite artists?
Lil Baby, Petrona Martinez, Chopin, Barry White, Celia Cruz, Sly Stone, Prince, Weezy F.

How does an album release feels while the world tries to manage Corona? Do you still feel connected to your fans?
It feels the same. Life has always felt surreal and dreamlike to me. Seeing people or not: I feel the spirit of what I’m doing. It’s a tremendous energy. I will be able to wield it better when I get back with folks in person. Can’t wait to hug everyone.

How would you describe your new album if you could only use 3 words?
Hard. Soft. Beautiful.

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