Foto-© Laura Allard Fleischl
Als Black Honey 2018 ihr selbstbetiteltes Debütalbum veröffentlichten war die Welt pre-Corona noch eine ganz andere – drei Jahre später ticken die Uhren anders, was geblieben ist, ist die bad-ass-Attitude der vierköpfigen Indie-Band aus Brighton! In Form des nächsten Abschnitts in der Bandgeschichte – dem neuen Album Written & Directed, das am vergangenen Freitag erschienen ist, und einem 10 Song starken, ermutigendem Statement, das den Weg frei für starke, die Welt erobernde Frauen machen möchte. War das erste Album nach den Worten von Sängerin Izzy B. Philipps noch mit “cherry-picking things from our favourite eras and lassoing them all into one narrative” vergleichbar, ist Written & Directed „… us coming back like a phoenix rising. It’s about having a fire in you to kick ass. Girls are well overdue a perspective where they can be the protagonist, and the boss bitch with a complex narrative. We just wanted to Kill Bill it.” Wir haben die Band zum Track by Track gebeten!
1. I Like The Way You Die
I wanted to flip the perspective a woman. I like the idea of playing a cartoon villain who takes no prisoners.

2. Run For Cover
We wrote this song with Royal Blood, it’s about giving zero fucks, bad sex and a force in you. I hope this song makes you dump your boyfriend.

3. Beaches
This song is homage to our favourite Motown tunes. Its a bit of a nonsensical eye roll for me.

4. Back of the Bar
Is about falling in and out of love with yourself, but kinda like through the mirror of looking at your loved one. We come here alone and we die alone.

5. Believer
It’s coming of age, coming out and coming up. But with a little wink to a spiritual awakening.

6. I Do It To Myself
This is the most inward reflection of a song, i feel like i am talking to my past, future and present self. It’s about accepting your strength and vulnerability in equal measure.

7. Disinfect
This song for me is like burning down your school bus, though weirdly it speaks as kinda a premonition to the pandemic. We wrote it before, maybe we all knew something like this was coming.

8. Summer 92
It is a love song about being a 90s kid and falling in love. All with a glam rock 70s missfit kinda lense though.

9. Fire
Is a letter to my younger self. Don’t ever apologise for who you are. For me this is one of the hardest songs to listen to. It’s hard to take your own advice.

10. Gabrielle
Is a film noir french icon, she’s real but i had to give her a new name as i learned the hard way about this last time! I wrote this from the perspective of the other woman.